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This package provides an interface to a Twitter bot that complies with the kilroy face API.


You need to create a Twitter app and get the following credentials:

  • consumer_key
  • consumer_secret
  • access_token
  • access_token_secret

You need to pass these to the server, either as environment variables, command line arguments or entries in a configuration file.

For example, you can do this:

export KILROY_FACE_TWITTER_FACE__CONSUMER_KEY="Paste your consumer key here"
export KILROY_FACE_TWITTER_FACE__CONSUMER_SECRET="Paste your consumer secret here"
export KILROY_FACE_TWITTER_FACE__ACCESS_TOKEN="Paste your access token here"
export KILROY_FACE_TWITTER_FACE__ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET="Paste your access token secret here"

Running the server🔗

To run the server, install the package and run the following command:


This will start the face server on port 10001 by default. Then you can communicate with the server, for example by using this package.